Emily's Play Garden

Emily's Play Garden was designed to harmonize with nature’s patterns and the beautiful native plants that make this garden home to our wildlife friends.
At Emily's Play Garden, visitors can:
- make mud pies at the Mud Kitchen
- peek into a passionflower teepee
- climb on balancing logs
- pick chocolate peppermint in the herb spiral
- care for vegetables in the mandala garden
- smell blooming wildflowers
- meditate in a labyrinth
- observe birds that visit a solar-powered fountain
- hide in a willow den
- and explore much more!
Thank you to our dedicated volunteers, staff, and generous sponsors who made this project possible:
Leslie Adelman
Irene Aspell
Nancy Butowski
Blair Carmean
Trish Hargrove
Jenny Houghton
Kellen McCluskey
Michael Micriotti
Marilyn Reedy
Laura Rocco
Terry Phillips-Seitz
Mark Spiering
Abby Spiering
David Taylor
Kathy Thornton
Ginna Tiernan
Jim Wilson
The Family of David Ashton York
Chesapeake Bay Trust
KidsGardening Organization
Unity Church Hill Nursery and Farm