Docent Naturalist Training Program
Discover the rewards of volunteering – become an Adkins Arboretum Volunteer Docent!
Arboretum Docents have many stories to tell. They learn to weave scientific facts about native plants into stories about plant communities, relationships between plants and animals, and who was here on the land before there was an Arboretum.
Docents are knowledgeable about a core number of native plants that are representative of the Arboretum's habitats, meadows, shrub and tree thickets, bottomlands, uplands, young and mature forests, and wetlands. By being well versed in the founding and mission of the Arboretum, they serve as ambassadors and interpretors of the Arboretum experience.
For more information, call Ginna Tiernan at 410-643-2847 ext. 270 or click here to reach out.