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Event Calendar

Native Seed Collection & Post-Harvest Handling

Saturday, October 4, 2014
10:00 am2:00 pm

Join horticulturist Leslie Hunter Cario as she shares her expertise in growing native plants from seed. Discover the basics of collecting, processing, storing, and preparing seeds for propagation as well as sustainable harvest considerations. This is a hands-on workshop, so please dress for the weather and plan to hike to various plant communities within the Arboretum for field identification and seed collection. Following the field activities, participants will work on post-harvest handling at the Arboretum’s Native Plant Nursery. Seeds harvested will be shared by program participants for their own gardens and the Native Plant Nursery to supplement its future production projects. Please bring a bagged lunch.

Leslie is a Certified Professional Horticulturist involved with the native plant industry since 1997. As the principal of Chesapeake Horticultural Services, LLC, she works as an independent consultant with projects such as nursery development, inventory management, seed sourcing, and horticultural/botanical education. Previously she directed a wetland plant nursery with a strong emphasis on seed production of native species from local ecotypes. She also has experience collecting and processing seeds for a major seed supplier. She is a recent graduate of LEAD Maryland Foundation’s fellowship, where she took part in extensive training in agricultural and natural resource leadership, and currently serves as Chair of the Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council.

Fee: $35 members, $40 non-members

Click here to register for Native Seed Collection & Post-Harvest Handling.
