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Shinrin-Yoku: The Healing Practice of Forest Bathing

Sunday, May 4, 2014
1:00 pm3:00 pm

Experience a very slow, contemplative walk with Anna Harding on a forest trail in this program dedicated to awakening the senses. The Japanese practice of forest bathing is a way to deepen one's connection to the natural world in ways that remind us of our belonging to it. Experience the gifts that come from walking in quiet, mindful awareness and from our senses opening to the healing effects of the forest and all its offerings.

Not only will this program encourage you to slow down and breathe in the forest medicine, it will engage your senses in ways that might surprise you and lead you into a deeper understanding of your relationship to nature.

Anna Harding has a professional background in holistic body work, life coaching, and as an artist. She is co-author of the book Petite Retreats: Renewing Body, Mind and Spirit Without Leaving Home.

This program is free for members, free with the Arboretum's $5 admission fee for non-members.

Register for Shinrin-Yoku
