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Event Calendar

Nature Preschool Program

Tuesday, April 29, 2014
10:00 am11:30 am

Nature Preschool Programs are open to children ages 3 to 5. Advance registration is required. Enrollment is limited to 15 children, so early registration is recommended. Classes meet on Tuesdays from 10 to 11:15 a.m. and include a healthy snack and a craft. The fee is $55 for members, $70 for the general public ($10 sibling discount) for all six sessions in the series.

**Registration is also available on a per-class basis. The fee is $10 per class for members, $12 per class for non-members. Call 410.634.2847, ext. 0 to register for single programs.**

Wiggly Worms
April 8

Welcome to the wiggly world of worms! Did you know that worms are a gardener’s best friend? Enjoy a walk to the Funshine Garden, where we will peek into a composting “worm hotel” and dig for worms in the soil. We’ll also sing a “Wiggle and Waggle” song and snack on garden veggies.

Incredible Eggs
April 15

Help crack the mystery of the incredible egg! How are eggs formed? How do they hatch? Which animals lay eggs? Young nature detectives will conduct an egg-periment, hunt for eggs in the meadow, and use natural dyes to color eggs.

Hay Bale Garden
April 22

Let’s make hay while the sun shines! We’ll plant hay bale lettuce in the Funshine Garden, visit the Arboretum’s goat herd, and share a picnic snack. We’ll also make spongy alfalfa “hay bales” to take home.

Wildflower Wonderland
April 29

Follow enchanted woodland paths in search of spring wildflowers. Virginia bluebells, native azalea, dogwood, and lady’s slippers are sure to delight. Woodland sprites will make flower crowns and play a game of fairy tag.

Butterfly Ball
May 6

The butterflies are back! Explore the butterfly’s transformation from lowly caterpillar to winged beauty, and flutter your wings to the tune of the “Butterfly Ball.” We’ll look for butterflies and caterpillars in the Funshine Garden and make glittery butterfly masks.

Pollywog Adventure
May 13

No need to feel stuck in a bog! Spring is in full swing, and so are the Arboretum peepers! We’ll stomp our feet to the “Pollywog Wiggle,” make a froggy craft, and get up close and personal with our tadpole friends on the wetland boardwalk.

Register for the spring Nature Preschool Program series
