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Dogwood Blossom Painting

Friday, April 25, 2014
9:30 am4:00 pm

Found throughout Maryland, the dogwood tree is a dearly beloved harbinger of spring. This watercolor class taught by Lee D’Zmura will focus on the history, folklore, and botany of the dogwood’s delicate flowers as participants create a watercolor botanical art piece. Various techniques for painting leaves, including colored pencil and watercolor and dry brush, will be demonstrated. Some watercolor experience is necessary. Bring lunch and snacks to keep you comfortable through the day.

Lee received her certificate in Botanical Art from the Brookside Gardens School of Botanical Art and Illustration, where she now teaches advanced watercolor classes. She has also studied with several master botanical artists and is a member of the American Society of Botanical Artists, the Botanical Art Society of the National Capital Region, the Working Artists Forum, and the St. Michaels Art League. Her work is in collections throughout the country. She maintains a studio in St. Michaels, where she draws inspiration from her neighbors’ gardens and from the native wildflowers of Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

This two-part program meets from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 24 and Friday, April 25

Fee: $95 members, $120 non-members

Register for Dogwood Blossom Painting
