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Landscape for Life

Sunday, March 2, 2014
1:00 pm4:00 pm

Conventional gardens often work against nature. They can damage the environment’s ability to clean air and water, reduce flooding, combat climate change, and provide all the other benefits that support life on earth, including us. The good news is that even one home garden can begin to repair the web of life. It’s possible to create a beautiful garden that’s healthier for you, your family, your pets, and the environment—and that saves you time and money. Harness nature’s power to create a healthy, beautiful home landscape. Landscape for Life shows how to work with nature in our garden—no matter where you live, whether you garden on a city or suburban lot, a 20-acre farm, or the common area of your condominium.

If you want to create a master plan for your landscape but need confidence and inspiration, this weekend workshop is for you. Join landscape designer and native plant enthusiast Chris Pax and Arboretum docent Julianna Pax for this two-day workshop and a field trip. Receive instruction and coaching to put your master plan on paper, including tracking water in a landscape to identify dry and wet areas and learning about Bay-friendly strategies for improving success within these areas. Learn about soil types and how they affect landscaping decisions. Discover the role native plants play in the landscape, and how to choose materials for paths and patios that are less harmful to the environment.

This two-day workshop involves hands-on tasks and homework. Participants will bring a soil sample for testing, draw a detailed site analysis of their property, and begin to work on the master plan that will eventually lead to a beautiful, sustainable landscape. Soil test, class notebook, and drawing materials are included in the course fee. Details about the field trip and guest speakers will be forthcoming. This class is excellent preparation for the Landscape Design Workshop offered on March 29. Landscape for Life is based on the principles of the Sustainable Sites Initiative. Visit for more information. The program will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. on both Saturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2.

Fee: $85 members, $110 non-members

Register for Landscape for Life
