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Time Travel for Homeschoolers

Monday, February 10, 2014
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Maryland’s Eastern Shore has experienced tremendous change through time. Did you know that the dinosaur Astrodon thrived here in the Early Cretaceous? Or that Woodland Indians harvested tulip trees for their dug-out canoes, and settlers used pokeberries to make ink?

Homeschoolers will explore the history of Maryland’s Eastern Shore through exciting hands-on activities, including target practice with hand-crafted bows and arrows, natural dye-making, and an archaeological dig. Students should bring a pronged folder, paper, and a writing implement to class. Programs are designed for students ages 8 to 12.

Programs meet Mondays, February 3 to March 10. Fee: $60 members, $75 non-members ($10 sibling discount).

Register for the Time Travel for Homeschoolers series
