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Event Calendar

Landscape Design Workshop

Saturday, October 12, 2013
8:30 am4:30 pm

Three experienced landscape designers and avid gardeners will lead this all-day intensive design workshop that addresses the typical challenges of homeowners in the Chesapeake Bay region. Come with your challenges and dreams, and leave with a landscape plan, ideas, and confidence to transform your home landscape for your enjoyment and pride.

Topics include analyzing the challenges and opportunities of your property; developing a plan for circulation and unique features; designing “rooms” for outdoor living; choosing materials for patios and walks; incorporating sustainable practices; and selecting ornamental plants. The day will be organized around brief presentations followed by breakout sessions for one-on-one work with the instructors. The designers will offer practical advice on getting started, what to do with wet areas, how to lay out a path, how to screen an undesirable view, and plants recommended for specific conditions. Step by step, you will develop your own landscape design.

Workshop leaders are Arboretum Executive Director Ellie Altman; landscape architect Barbara McClinton, formerly of the Baltimore landscape architecture and land planning firm Daft, McCune, Walker; and landscape designer and native plant enthusiast Chris Pax, a graduate of the George Washington University sustainable landscape design master’s program.

Bring lunch. A continental breakfast and break refreshments will be provided. Also bring a property plat, photos, and other documentation of your property. Worksheets and handouts on native plants will be provided.

Fee: $85 members, $110 non-members

Click here to register for the Landscape Design Workshop.
