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Andelot Farm Field Trip

Saturday, October 5, 2013
9:00 am1:00 pm

Andelot Farm in Worton, MD, is a 2,900-acre working farm on the Chesapeake Bay featuring some special plant communities. Join ecologist Sylvan Kaufman, Ph.D. to explore the mature woods and marshes around a coastal pond, including a visit to an ancient shell midden and its unique flora. Wear sturdy walking shoes and bring water, binoculars, tick repellent, and a bag lunch for a Bayfront picnic.

This rare opportunity is a joint venture between Adkins Arboretum and the Eastern Shore Chapter of the Maryland Native Plant Society. Participants will meet at Andelot Farm. Directions will be provided upon registration.

Click here to register for the Andelot Farm Field Trip.
