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Living in the Trees—Speaking to the Times

Friday, September 13, 2013
6:00 pm8:30 pm

An Ongoing Conversation in Music and Art at Adkins Arboretum

Featuring a walk with Howard Mary McCoy through their outdoor sculpture exhibit, Tree Tricks, and a performance by The Pam Ortiz Band.

All summer, nature has been altering the sculptures that Howard and Mary McCoy have created in the Arboretum’s forest. Vines have crept up the trunks of the trees in “Cropped.” Paw paws have grown through the loops of vine in “Heard It Through the Grapevine.” The McCoys work in collaboration with nature—both their ideas and their materials come from the forest, and they embrace the inevitable changes that nature will bring. Join them for a walk through the forest to see how the sculptures have evolved.

The Pam Ortiz Band will enhance the evening with thought-provoking songs that probe the bittersweet richness of life in our times. Contemporary songwriter Pam Ortiz has a clear voice and a rare gift for lyrics that touch deeply. Playing acoustic guitar as she sings, she is joined by her husband, Bob Ortiz, on percussion, Ford Schumann on guitar, and Nevin Dawson on viola and violin. Based in Chestertown, the band recently released a new album, Rattle Them Chains. This follows three albums showcasing Ortiz’s songs with Terra Nova, a group that played to packed coffeehouses in the Baltimore-Washington area throughout the ’90s and was invited to perform at the Kennedy Center for Bill Clinton’s first inauguration. Advance registration is requested.

Fee: $20 members, $25 non-members. A light antipasti dinner and dessert will be served. A cash wine and beer bar will be available. Limited seating.

Click here to register for Living in the Trees.
