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Event Calendar

Bird Migration Walk

Saturday, September 7, 2013
8:00 am10:00 am

Join Wayne Bell on a guided bird walk to scout for early fall migrants and lingering summer residents that may be found in the Arboretum’s fields and forests. Many colorful species will no longer be in breeding plumage, including scarlet tanager and Baltimore oriole.

Special attention will be paid to those “confusing fall warblers,” some of which are young birds on their first trip to their wintering grounds. We'll look for some more common examples, including American redstart, black-throated green warbler, and common yellowthroat. Indigo bunting and blue grosbeak will still be here, but the young should outnumber their more colorful parents. Few birds will be in song, but there should be plenty of 'chips' to keep us busy.

Dr. Bell is Senior Associate and former Director of the Center for Environment and Society at Washington College. Prior to joining the Washington College faculty in fall 2000, he was Vice President for External Relations for the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES), a global research facility headquartered at Horn Point near Cambridge, MD. He has served as president of the Arboretum Board of Trustees and is past president of the Maryland Ornithological Society.

This walk is free for members, free with admission for non-members.

Click here to register for the Bird Migration Walk.
