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Event Calendar

Wild and Neat

Saturday, June 29, 2013
1:00 pm3:00 pm

So you think natives are weedy and messy? This lecture by Claudia West debunks this myth and explores the aesthetic value of native plants and their highly attractive cultivars. You’ll be fascinated by the range of colors and textures found in the region’s native flora. Numerous design examples and plant combinations demonstrate the beauty, elegance, and diversity created through a sense of place, using regionally appropriate native plants in the landscape. Enjoy and be inspired!

Claudia West grew up in a family-owned landscape nursery business that specializes in garden design and perennial, woody, and cut flower production. She holds a master’s of landscape architecture & landscape planning from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Previously, she served as a design consultant for Wolfgang Oehme/Carol Oppenheimer: Landscape Architecture, and was employed at Bluemount Nurseries and Sylva Native Nursery. Her extensive background in horticulture, ecology, and environmental restoration delivers a wealth of experience and knowledge in sales and in her current role as a consultant to North Creek Nurseries.

Fee: $15 members, $20 general public

Click here to register for Wild and Neat.
