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Geological Formations and Weather Patterns

Friday, March 15, 2013
1:00 pm2:00 pm

Environmental issues such as climate change and sea level rise are both at the forefront of public interest. Archaeology, as a discipline, is generally not viewed as a way to understand these topics, but according to Darrin Lowery, Ph.D., the best way to understand the impact of climate is to look at the past. By integrating both geology and archaeology, we can more thoroughly understand important environmental issues associated with the Chesapeake Bay region. Join Dr. Lowery to explore various aspects supporting a detailed understanding of Delmarva’s ever-changing landscape.

Raised on Tilghman Island, Dr. Lowery comes from a long line of boat builders, farmers, and watermen. His interest in archaeology and geology began at the age of seven while combing the eroding shorelines of the Chesapeake Bay with his father. His interest is in how geological formations reveal weather patterns and how these weather patterns affect human development.

Fee: $15 members, $20 general public

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