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Peatlands and Bog-like Habitats of the Delmarva Peninsula

Saturday, March 2, 2013
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Bogs are wetlands habitats with deep deposits of peat, or partially decomposed plant material. Because most bogs develop in areas of the world where glaciers formerly occurred, there are no true bogs on the Delmarva Peninsula. There are, however, wetland habitats on the Peninsula where peat is well formed and bog-like conditions develop, including habitats such as Atlantic white cedar swamps, acidic fens, and interdunal swales. These habitats often support carnivorous plants that are adapted to the unique environmental conditions that result from peat formation. Join Bill McAvoy to learn more about the ecology and flora of these fascinating habitats.

McAvoy is the botanist for the Delaware Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program and has studied and published on both the vascular and nonvascular flora of the Delmarva Peninsula for over 20 years. Registration required.

Fee: Members $15, General public $20

Register for Peatlands and Bog-like Habitats of the Delmarva Peninsula
