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Science for Home School Students series begins

Thursday, September 20, 2012
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Science for Home School Students: Planet Earth Clean-up!
Thursdays, September 20 through November 8

Program is designed for students 8 to 12 years of age.

Home school students will explore threats to the health of our planet, as well as ways to clean up the planet, through hands-on experiments, projects, and outdoor fun. Topics will include acid rain, ozone depletion, renewable and nonrenewable resources, pollution, smog, and the Greenhouse effect. This eight-week program will include a service-learning component in which students will help remove invasive cattails in the Arboretum’s wetland. Old clothes and comfortable shoes are a must!

Registration required. Fee: $60 members, $75 general public ($10 sibling discount)

Click here to register for Science for Home School Students
