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Goats vs. Weeds: A Targeted Grazing Demonstration

Saturday, June 30, 2012
10:00 am12:00 pm

Invasive species crowd out native woodland plants and animals, and can strangle trees and bring down limbs. Machines often can't get to problem areas, manual removal is very labor intensive, and herbicides can inflict collateral damage on water, plant, and animal resources. Nevin Dawson, Forest Stewardship Educator, University of Maryland Extension will present how targeted grazing with goats can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of controlling invasive species on your property. Goats graze in places that mowers can't reach and humans don't want to go, including thickets of both brambles and poison ivy. This demonstration is your chance to see goats in action at the Arboretum and learn how to implement this practice on your own land. Light refreshments, including goat cheese, will be served.

Fee: $15 members, $20 general public
