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Rick Darke—On the High Line: Exploring America’s Most Unique New Urban Park

Thursday, May 24, 2012
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Inspired by the spontaneous wild garden that found habitat among its abandoned tracks, the High Line has become the most inspiring new urban park of our time. Each year, millions of visitors from around the world come to walk this magical mile in the sky, exploring New York City’s history, architecture, and culture while immersed in artful naturalism, all at a safe remove from speeding traffic on the streets below.

The park is currently open from Gansevoort Street on Manhattan’s West Side north to 30th Street, and will eventually extend another half mile around the rail yards, offering spectacular views of the Hudson River. Rick Darke has been photographing the High Line for a decade, observing and documenting its transformation from a completely wild place to an intricately designed and managed landscape. This lecture will look at the High Line from birth to abandonment to reincarnation while seeking insights into the future of this and other post-industrial urban ecologies.

Rick Darke is an author, photographer, and consultant whose work blends art, ecology, and cultural geography in the design and management of livable landscapes. His work has been featured in the New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and numerous other publications. His many books include The American Woodland Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest and The Wild Garden: Expanded Edition. Darke’s photography and writing are featured in Annik La Farge’s new book, On the High Line (Thames & Hudson, April 2012). For further information, visit

This program will take place at the Academy Art Museum, 106 South Street, Easton. Advance registration is required.

Fee: $15 Arboretum and Academy members, $20 general public

Photo courtesy of Rick Darke
