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Henry Callister: Colonial Merchant and Amateur Naturalist

Friday, February 10, 2012
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Henry Callister, a native of the Isle of Man, arrived on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in 1742, working as a factor for a Liverpool-based trading company. Although most of his days were spent overseeing shipments of tobacco to England and managing the company’s stores on the Shore, his unpublished papers show that one of his many interests was a passion for local natural history. Salisbury University professor Ellen Lawler will discuss Callister’s nature writings that include brief descriptions of local birds, mammals, plants, and insects. He also wrote an extended essay on swallows, comparing the species found in Maryland to those of Europe and discussing an ongoing debate of the day—whether swallows migrate or hibernate. Callister’s writings on nature may be among the earliest in Maryland. They demonstrate that he was a keen observer of nature and had ideas well ahead of his time on topics such as the homing abilities of animals and the adaptability of species to different habitats and situations.

Registration required. Fee: $15 members, $20 general public
