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Event Calendar

Soup 'n Walk

Saturday, October 15, 2011
11:00 am1:30 pm

Track the changing landscape from summer to fall. Following a guided walk with a docent naturalist, enjoy a delicious and nutritious lunch along with a brief lesson about the meal’s nutritional value. Copies of recipes are provided.

Theme: Check out the Meadow for Later Grasses and Some Mushrooms/Watch for Early Fall Color Along the Edges of the Meadow

Plants of interest: Indian grass, big bluestem, little bluestem, goldenrod, milkweed pods, mushrooms, red and orange sweet gum, sassafras, sumac, tupelo, and dogwood leaves. Registration required. Limit: 25

Spicy black bean and potato stew
Pear, orange, and pine nut salad
Best bran muffins
Apple pie with crumb topping

Fee: $20 members, $25 general public
