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Event Calendar

Tuesday preschool program series begins

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
10:00 am11:15 am

The Arboretum's preschool program introduces 3- to 5-year-olds to the natural world and principles of ecology and conservation. Classes are offered as a session of eight programs led by popular teacher Jenny Houghton.

Enrollment is limited to 15 children, so early registration is recommended. The fee for a session of eight classes is $60 for members and $75 for the general public. Each class includes a snack and a craft. Register online by clicking a link at the bottom of this page, or call 410.634.2847, ext. 0.

Session 1: Tuesdays, 10-11:15 a.m.

Harvest Days
September 20 and 22

Welcome the start of fall with a last trip to the Funshine Garden. We’ll pick cranberries, store seeds for next spring, and look for signs of critters holing up to wait out the cold days ahead. After a picnic snack, we’ll return to the classroom to make a harvest craft.

Cattails for Breakfast, Cattails for Lunch
September 27 and 29

Did you know that the mashed root of the cattail plant can be used as toothpaste? Or that young cattail flowerheads can be boiled and eaten like corn on the cob? We’ll search for the amazing cattail in the Arboretum’s wetland, float cattail boats, and even share a cattail snack.

Seeds on the Move
October 4 and 6

It’s true: seeds move! Find out how and why as we make wishes on feathery milkweed seeds, float gumballs down the Blockston Branch, hunt for amazing popping jewelweed seeds, and play a game with hickory nuts.
The Towering Tulip Poplar
October 11 and 13
Just why is the tulip poplar the Arboretum’s tree of the year? We’ll find out as we search for golden tulip poplar leaves among drifts of fall foliage, make tulip poplar cats, and gather tulip poplar seeds on our nature walk.

October 18 and 20

Come celebrate the beauty of fall at Adkins Arboretum as we gather fall leaves on a forest walk and enjoy a picnic snack under the trees. Then it’s back to the classroom to make leaf crafts and learn more about why leaves change color.

Pumpkin Party
October 25 and 27

It’s pumpkin season! Meet the magnificent pumpkin plant, snack on pumpkin bars, and make pumpkin shakers. Then wiggle and twist to the Pumpkin Polka!

Honk! Honk! Make Way for Geese
November 1 and 3

It’s that time of year again: the geese are heading south. We’ll uncover the migratory habits of these feathered friends and look for birds of all types on an Arboretum nature walk. We’ll also make a goose craft and enjoy goose-related books with our snack.

A-maize-ing Grain
November 8 and 10

Did you know that the early settlers ate corn 365 days a year? Learn about this native grain, try your hand at grinding corn, and make napkins printed with corn. We’ll eat a popcorn snack and read Thanksgiving stories after looking for turkeys on a meadow walk.
