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Event Calendar

Soup 'n Walk

Saturday, June 18, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
12610 Eveland Road, Ridgely, MD

Discover the excitement of spring blooms. Following a guided walk with a docent naturalist, enjoy a delicious and nutritious lunch along with a brief lesson about the meal’s nutritional value. Copies of recipes are provided.

Theme: Find the Green Summer Ferns Among the Cool Blooms
Lady fern, cinnamon fern, New York fern, netted chain fern, Christmas fern, Indian cucumber, bluets, blackberry, deerberry, and arrowwood blooms

Zucchini apple soup
Cantaloupe, blueberry, and romaine salad
Double oat bread with wild blueberry jam
Red, white, and blue trifle
