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Event Calendar

Introduction to Wetlands

Thursday, June 16, 10 a.m.-noon
12610 Eveland Road, Ridgely, MD

Arboretum visitors enter the Visitor’s Center by a bridge that spans a constructed wetland alive with flora and fauna. Wetlands are the most biologically diverse and fascinating ecosystems in the world, so it is no wonder that it can take some time to cross the bridge if you stop to observe all that is happening there. Join Leslie Hunter-Cario to learn the basics of wetland ecology and wetland plants.

Leslie Hunter-Cario is the nursery manager at Environmental Concern Inc., a public not-for-profit corporation dedicated to working with all aspects of wetlands. Leslie holds a degree in environmental science and is a certified professional horticulturist through the Maryland Nursery and Landscape Association.

Fee: $15 members, $20 general public
