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Event Calendar

Ecology of the Forest in Spring

2-4 p.m.
Ridgely, MD
Click on the link above to register and pay for this program.

This program has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 19 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Spend a spring afternoon outdoors with plant ecologist Sylvan Kaufman. This program will look closely at the plants, fungi, insects, and bird life in upland and floodplain forests at the Arboretum and compare and contrast the habitats and communities. If you took Layers of the Forest in the fall, this class will look at the same locations in spring. Whether you are interested in natural history, botany, or just being outdoors, this class will appeal. Binoculars and a hand lens are recommended.

Fee: $15 members, $20 general public
