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Event Calendar

Soup 'n Walk

11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Discover the excitement of early spring blooms! Following a guided walk with a docent naturalist, enjoy a delicious and nutritious lunch along with a brief lesson about the meal’s nutritional value. Copies of recipes are provided.

Saturday, March 19 Theme: Check out the Early Purple and Pink Blooms
Skunk cabbage, paw paw, spring beauty, bloodroot (one- or two-hour walk option)

Beet and cabbage soup
Black-eyed pea salad
Cornmeal flaxseed muffins
Cherry pie
stems of strawberry bush and greenbrier

Fee: $20 members, $25 general public

*Thank you for your interest in the Arboretum's education programs. The March 19 Soup 'n Walk is full. Call 410.634.2847, ext. 0 to be placed on a waiting list.*
