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Exploring Nature and Five Movements of Life Through Writing, Reflection, and Community

1-4 p.m.
Click on the link above to register and pay for this program.

Many cultures look to nature as teacher, and we too might use nature’s lessons to encourage our own growth and connectedness to life around us. By exploring five elements honored in traditional Chinese wisdom, we can be a part of the graceful flow of seasons. This session will reflect on winter, where we might go into our own well of wisdom and practice deep listening and stillness.

We will explore these cycles through poetry, gentle writing exercises, and simple art activities. No previous experience in these areas is necessary! The Arboretum provides a perfect location to immerse oneself in the cycles of nature and discover how these cycles speak to our own lives.

Instructor Katherine Johnson is a life coach and teacher of creative practices as SoulCollage®, writing, meditation, and personal growth. She holds a doctorate from the University of Maryland and teaches for Tai Sophia Institute and Johns Hopkins University, as well as several holistic learning centers. Katherine’s life journey has integrated practices of traditional professional development with a rich blend of holistic learning. She brings joy and love as she serves.

Fee: $25 members, $30 general public
