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Event Calendar

Fairy House Construction

Sunday, October 3, 2010
1:00 pm3:00 pm

For children 8-12 years old

Local fairies are very busy in the fall, directing birds and butterflies south and helping fuzzy caterpillars safely across the roads. They are looking for beautiful homes made of natural materials, but they don't have time to make their own. Join in this creative project and bring leaves, nuts, cones, straw, and grasses to share. You may also bring treasures for just your own house. Other wonderful materials will be provided to help you make a magical house for the fairies that live near your home.

Participants are welcome to bring their fairy houses back to the Arboretum for display during the Fall Family Festival the following weekend, Saturday, October 9.

Fee: $10 members, $15 general public

410.634.2847, ext. 0 or
