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Poetry Reading - Sue Ellen Thompson

3 - 5 p.m.
Click on the link above to register and pay for this program.

Sue Ellen Thompson will read from her most recent book, The Leaving: New & Selected Poems, as well as from her new manuscript of work written largely about living on the Eastern Shore.

The author of four books of poetry, Thompson is also the editor of The Autumn House Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry. Her work has been read by Garrison Keillor on "The Writer's Almanac" and featured in former U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser's nationally syndicated newspaper column, "American Life in Poetry.: She has taught at Middlebury College, Wesleyan University, Binghamton University, and Central Connecticut State University, and for 13 years served as a scholar, fellow, and administrative staff member at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference in Vermont. The Maryland Library Association recently selected her as the winner of the 2010 Maryland Author Award, given to a poet every four years for his or her body of work. Two of Thompson's books - The Leaving and The Golden Hour - were nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Following the reading, she will answer audience questions and sign copies of The Golden Hour.

Fee: $15 members, $18 general public

410.634.2847, ext. 0 or
