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Event Calendar

Migration Madness!

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Click above to register and pay for this program.

Migratory birds use rich and diverse parcels of land as stopovers during their long and difficult migration. Adkins Arboretum is an oasis for them. Through simulation games and other activities, we'll explore the how, why, when, where, and who of Eastern Shore migratory birds. In addition to learning about the birds that specifically use the Arboretum as a stopover during migration, we'll look at other birds whose migration is tied to larger ecological cycles, and those whose migratory history tells how we impact their habitat. We'll also discuss how our gardens and landscapes can work as oases for our migratory friends.

Fee: $5 per person members, $7 per person general public

Pre-registration is required. 410.634.2847, ext. 0 or
