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Event Calendar

Healthy Soils

10-11:30 a.m.
Click above to register and pay for this program.

Andrew Ristvey, Ph.D. will provide an introduction to soil health as it relates to plant nutrition. Learn basics about the physical and chemical properties of soils and what gardeners can do to change those properties to extract the most from their soils and benefit their plants. Nutrient information will also be presented. Dr. Ristvey is the University of Maryland regional extension specialist for commercial horticulture.

This program is part of the four-part Ecology for Gardeners series that also includes Plants and the Environment (March 24), Plant Population Ecology (March 10), and Pollination and IPM (April 7).

Fee: $10 members, $15 general public; $35 members, $50 general public for all four sessions in the Ecology for Gardeners series

Pre-registration is required. 410.634.2847, ext. 0 or
